All Leathercraft Library patterns and projects are property of Tandy Leather. Projects and patterns available are a part of the Tandy Leather Archive and may contain outdated product information or service offerings. Projects and patterns can be reproduced for personal use by printing, but Tandy Leather cannot guarantee the quality of reproduction or printing due to the image quality available. Some project and pattern themes or motifs may not be representative of Tandy Leather’s current views.
Black Powder Bags and Pouches 1966
Full size patterns for a flint wallet, prairie shot pouch, stand-up ball bag, wood spout ball bag, shooting bag, english shot pouch and tool roll. Also instructions on how to make a vent pick, flint knapping hammer, turnscrew and pan brush. Plus many tips and history information. All pages in the PDF are full sized (16.75" x 10.75"). This means that you may have to take the PDF to a print shop if your home printer cannot print the larger pages.