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Shoulder Holster Pattern 4416
Get The PatternShoulder Holster Pattern 4416
Shoulder holster pattern has adjustable cross-tab styling, buckle fasteners and shoulder harness. Includes patterns for different makes and styles of guns:
Holster A fits: COLT: Detective Special, Agent, Cobra; SMITH & WESSON: Models 36, 37, 38, 60; CHARTER ARMS: Bulldog; Most other small frame revolvers.
Holster B fits: COLT: Government, Commander; BROWNING: High Power; BARRETTA: Model 92; STAR: Auto, AMT: Hardballer
Holster C fits: COLT: Python, Diamond Back; SMITH & WESSON: All J, K & L Frames (N fits if unlined); RUGER: Speed Six, Security Six; TARUS: Models T65, T80, T82; DAN WESSON: All except 44 Mag.; Most other large frame revolvers.