All Leathercraft Library patterns and projects are property of Tandy Leather. Projects and patterns available are a part of the Tandy Leather Archive and may contain outdated product information or service offerings. Projects and patterns can be reproduced for personal use by printing, but Tandy Leather cannot guarantee the quality of reproduction or printing due to the image quality available. Some project and pattern themes or motifs may not be representative of Tandy Leather’s current views.
Carving Oak Leaves Volume 3 Traditional Western Oak
Carving Oak Leaves, Volume 1 The Red Oak
The Red Oak is only one of many styles of oak leaves from nature and one of many styles done by leathercrafters. This video program teaches one method of carving and stamping this style.
Carving Oak Leaves, Volume 2 The White Oak
This is one of many styles of oak leaves in nature and by leather carvers. This video shows one of many methods of depicting the white oak leaf on leather.
Carving Oak Leaves, Volume 3 Traditional Western
When saddle-makers and leathercrafters first migrated into what is now Southwestern United States from Mexico, they adapted their designs based on the local vegetation, including oak leaves using the tools they had at the time. This video teaches how to tool these designs in leather.
Carving Oak Leaves, Volume 4 Fast and Easy
This video shows how to tool a very simple oak leaf in leather. Includes tracing, swivel knife cutting, pear shading, beveling, decorative cutting and background-matting techniques.
Carving Oak Leaves, Volume 5 Realistic Red Oak
Volumes 1 through 4 teaches how to tool oak leaves as they have been done for many years. This volume teaches how to tool a more realistic looking leaf.