All Leathercraft Library patterns and projects are property of Tandy Leather. Projects and patterns available are a part of the Tandy Leather Archive and may contain outdated product information or service offerings. Projects and patterns can be reproduced for personal use by printing, but Tandy Leather cannot guarantee the quality of reproduction or printing due to the image quality available. Some project and pattern themes or motifs may not be representative of Tandy Leather’s current views.
Patron de portefeuille Roper
Get The PatternPatron de portefeuille Roper
Il s'agit du motif de traçage utilisé dans la vidéo Premium qui enseigne comment fabriquer un portefeuille de Roper fabriqué à la main.
Portefeuille Roper
Cette vidéo enseigne comment fabriquer un portefeuille Roper à partir de zéro.